- 产品类别:拖布桶
- 品牌:其他
- 专利:否
- 货号:918
- 拖把类型:旋转拖把
- 拖把杆材质:木质
- 颜色:白色,红色,黄色,蓝色,绿色
- 外箱规格:122*39*21CM
- 贸易属性:内贸+外贸
- 价格段:10-20元
- 产品上市时间:其他
- 塑料新料占比:100%新料
- 规格:450G
the colorful cotton mop 918 is made with special virgin cotton which does not leave fabric behind. it can absorb a lot of water and bring you an easy cleaning experience. thanks to the special wireclaw head design, it tightens the cotton sliver more firm. in additional, the paint iron handle is durable and beautiful with anti-skidding hungers.